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Maxys The FACE – The Key to Customer-Centric Content

The FACE Approach

this blog post explores the face approach to creating customer centric content find out what sets your content apart and how to make sure your message gets through to your customer
The FACE Focus Attention on Customer Experience

Maxys The FACE – The Key to Customer-Centric Content

Attention Grabbers

We’re naturally drawn to beauty. And in today’s world, where we’re bombarded with thousands of messages every day, it’s crucial to grab our attention.

The Consumer is King

We’re the consumers, the audience, and the ones who decide what messages get through our filters. So, what makes us stop and engage with a piece of content?

The Content Creator’s Dilemma

As a content creator, you’ve probably asked yourself these questions before – what do I need to say? What does success look like? How do I create content that will engage my audience?

The Superstar Syndrome

Only a select few actors, musicians, and sportspeople achieve global market penetration. And even fewer advertisements have the natural power to engage, connect and spread. So, what sets your content apart? What’s your unique selling point?

Content Challenges

Every piece of content has its own set of challenges. For example, a website video has just 7 seconds to keep a user engaged before they click away. A banner ad gets blocked, a TV commercial signals viewers to take a break, and a social media post is scrolled past in a millisecond.

The FACE Approach

The FACE approach, or Focus Attention on Customer Experience, is the key to creating customer-centric content. Good content design that delivers a clear, focused message, captures attention and enhances the customer experience. The best design is simple, delivered through the right medium, and has the right message at the right time.

Who is Your Customer?

To create customer-centric content, you need to understand who your customer is. What do they look like? What are their needs? How will you reach them and get through their message filters? What does your action pipeline look like?


In conclusion, the FACE approach is a crucial aspect of creating customer-centric content. By focusing on the customer experience, you’ll be able to create content that captures attention and delivers a clear, focused message. So, who is your customer, and how will you make sure your content reaches them?