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Customer experience still reigns

Flashbacks and a new chapter for all.

Maxys Aussie Cyberpub
Our first website 1999 – – Aussie Cyberpub

The first blog post for this updated website – a new chapter in the time of Corona.

To look forward it helps to know where you’ve been and it’s hard for me to believe that it’s over 20 years since we got out of the pub, so many great memories and fun times bringing people together.

How times have changed!

Back in 1999 “social media” meant reading the paper at the bar. Tinder was stuff you put in the fire and streaming was what flowed down from the mountains.

Back then we were one of the first pubs (if not the first) in the country to have a website – we had news, an events calendar & offered our customers the ability to place orders via a form & pick up from the bottleshop (pictured above).

To surf the web required a dial-up connection. The user experience was clunky but little did we know how much things would change,

Fast forward to today, in self-isolation, I’ve been back working on our new website & it makes me appreciate how much technology has evolved over that time but yet, the human connection & customer experience is just as important today. 

The early stage of website redevelopment