The weekend deep-diving into the just-released version 5 of the @unrealengine (UE5) virtual production technology we have been learning over the last couple of years.
The CGI quality jump in this version is astounding (but it is stretching my high-end computer system).
Like all new software – not everything goes exactly the way you expect it to – my studio camera is just a black shadow (something to do with the new shadow and material parameters).
I am pleased to say that this morning after many computers crashes and tests, I finally managed to bring the live studio cameras into the virtual set (via a great NDI UE plugin called @offworldlive).
BUT, as soon as I went live, my studio test dummy model (Shark bear) got snotted by an AI car (pictured)! 🙂
There is still a considerable amount of work, testing, and learning before switching our current productions to the new version. Still, we are very excited to see how this will evolve and the flow-on effect for brands and content production.