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April 2022

Unreal Engine 5

THE VIRTUAL PRODUCTION DIARY. The weekend deep-diving into the just-released version 5 of the @unrealengine (UE5) virtual production technology we have been learning over the last couple of years. The CGI quality jump in this version is astounding (but it is stretching my high-end computer system). Like all new software – not everything goes exactly the way you expect it to – my studio camera is just a black shadow… Read More »Unreal Engine 5

Andy Warhol, NVIDIA #GTC22, auditions and multicams in the metaverse

THE PRODUCTION DIARY It’s the 1st of April 2022 on a wet and windy Friday morning here in Sydney. I sit here in my little studio typing and wondering if writing this blog has a purpose? Like taking photos that you never share or look at again. I can’t remember who said it but it was something like whatever you practice you get good at. It’s also the ability to… Read More »Andy Warhol, NVIDIA #GTC22, auditions and multicams in the metaverse