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The Production Blog – Media Gamification

Good morning, it’s a beautiful Autumn morning here in Sydney town – the sun is just about to dawn, the birds are singing and any minute now the dog will meander into the studio and want to go for his walk.

Yep, it’s less than a week to go until we launch Season III of the Naked Punt Footy Show Project and our first Facebook livestream show using our new real-time virtual set.

To say I’m a little bit nervous is an understatement.

There’s just so much to do so the question simply comes down to priorities – 20 out of 40 items on my Trello project list are either “Highest, Critical or High”).

The Viewer Experience is central to everything – so many things I’d like to add are pushed back to the Medium and Low importance.

The keys things are

  • Scripts and segments
  • Production
    • Audio being critical (we’ll forgive shitty vision but not shitty audio)
    • Video
    • Studio setup and control

The Naked Punt Footy Show broadcast from the Big Dog Studio virtual pub

Virtual Production

As you may know the last October I made the decision to upgrade our production capabilities; learn about “virtual production” and also challenged myself if we could be ready for the first episode of Season III.

After a pretty intense four months of deep-dive learning (often 16 hours a day) I’m very pleased to say we’ve implemented a live multicamera virtual production capability.

Below is a live clip showing real-time multi-camera switching and incorporating Zoom/ video/ presentation feeds and advertising.

From a production perspective, it’s not perfect in many ways but as stated the objectives for this project are –

  • To develop talent opportunities
  • Explore, experiment and demonstrate new creative media production technology and marketing techniques.
  • Initial commercialisation phase to break even.
  • Incorporate a very strong focus is incorporating live viewer engagement. 


There’s a cut-off time in every creative project that you stop designing and developing and prepare for shipping. One outstanding item on my list is how to commercialise the show?


….the dog’s just walked in and demands to go for his walk – you can’t argue with a vey social 70kg Great Dane…

(to be continued).